Monday, March 21, 2011

first post.
i am now offically a "blogger".
i will probably spend more time trying to think of something to write about than actually writing.
but dont worry, ill still be enjoyable to follow... i think.. : D
    today is my day off. the only reason i know this is because of the fatty calendar that i have created on my full length mirror in my room. that calendar has saved me. i am not one to remember things by just hearing them once and then storing them in my little noggin. i even have different colors for different things going on.

blue:work schedule
green: things i actually want to do with my life
red: days i have off of work
brown: the time i am squeezing in some type of exercise

i never realized how much stuff i have to do in a week till i wrote it down.
try it. it might surprise you.


  1. i need to make a calendar on my mirror. i admire yours haha :) help me get organized Kimmy!!

  2. YAY for your blog! I am a habitual list maker. It makes me feel better to write a list. I think I have a million lying around here, just ask Nick!
